Translation of Technical Documentation - UMTranslation

is a self-owned business based in Lisbon that offers translation, localization and DTP of technical documentation and eLearning content for the German market. Wether you start off with regular text, PDF files, CAD tool drawings or SVG files or if you already wrapped your content into CAT tool packages, have XML snippets, or an XLIFF export from your content management system, UMTranslation is equipped with up-to-date software and knowledge to deal with your project. Audiovisual content is part of nowadays technical documentaion and creation and translation of srt files is part of UMTranslation's daily business. Adobe CC and Adobe TC suite serve for your DTP and eLearning needs. For the most cost-effective localization of your technical documentation UMTranslation also offers source text optimization. Employing termbases, styleguides and controlled language on the authoring side is, even in the time of neural machine translation, the best way for small and medium-sized businesses to considerably lower translation costs. In-depth knowledge of mechanical engineering and standardization as well as a decade of experience in translation of technical documentation will result in effective and safe documentation, a pleasant experience for your clients.

I really love to translate. And believe me, I know what I am talking about! I tried various other professions before and simultaniously which were all very nice, and about some I was really passionate: I was a flutemaker, a device-making mechanic, a cryotechnician exploring ultra low temperatures, and I even worked as a chief mate on a traditional sailing ship and went navigating in the arcic for quite a time. But nothing actually worked out so perfectly for my personal and  professional life as being a freelance technical translator. It is challenging, very divers, interesting, technical, rewarding and I get to work with languages!


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