
You as a Technical Translator! Do you have time to be an influencer by participating in this workgroup to make sure that technical translators’ interests will be represented in a future certification process? Tekom is currently inviting members to apply for seats. See application link above.

This Tekom initiative is about to set up a workgroup for developing a competency profile and a job profile for the profession of the technical translator and to find out the extent to which such profiles already exist. Tekom members are invited to apply for a seat in this workgroup which is now planned to work for the next 2 years.

Think about it and apply! These are the requirements for a seat in this workgroup:

  • Experience in technical communication or technical translation, preferably combined
  • Knowledge of creation processes of technical communication and translation
  • Knowledge of the job profiles “technical communicator” and “technical translator”
  • Knowledge of the technical innovations in the area of communication and technical translation
  • Experience in project management, particularly translation management
  • Tekom membership
  • Availability for regular participation

I myself am a Tekom member. The reasons for my membership as a technical translator are to keep up to date on the latest developments in content management, standards, and user experience as well as to understand the viewpoint of my clients to minimize the disconnect between the parties involved in the process of creating and publishing multilingual technical documentation.

I am thrilled to see an initiative that aims to understand the translator's viewpoint! We - authors, translators, project managers and IT departments - need to become better connected and understand each other's work. Just as it is impossible to understand anything without context, it is also impossible to write, translate, manage or publish a product without knowing the big picture around it.

That's why I thought it could be helpful to reach out to the international community of technical translators and post this call for application here.

On November 13/14 I will be around at the Tekom Jahrestagung in Stuttgart, and on 15/16 I will be in London at the 40th edition of Translating and the Computer to try to improve my understanding of the author’s, developer’s and PM’s side of the coin. Drop me a message if you want to meet me!


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